Volume 3, Issue 2, 2020

Published Online: February 2020

Article 1 | Preface to PJAHS Volume 3 Issue 2


Article 2 | Critical reflection in responding to reviewers’ comments

Ivan Neil Gomez, Editor-in-Chief


Article 3 | Using a checklist to improve the quality of research reporting

Karen Grimmer

Letter to the Editor

Article 4 | Association between lower extremity movement compensations in the presence of PFPS among female collegiate football athletes: a cross sectional study

Consuelo Suarez, Saul Anthony Sibayan, Jocel Regino, Masayoshi Kubo, Mark Lyndon Van Aldaba, Pauline Keith Alviz, Miguel Carlo Aytona, Jan Franchesca Bustria, Ivana Paulina Pastrano, Pablo Maria Rafael Ramos, Roxanne Fernandez

Introduction: Fifteen to fifty percent of all sports injuries commonly occur in the knee joint. Active women are more susceptible to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) than men. Aims: This study aims to associate the presentation of different movement compensations at the different body segments such as the hip, knee, and foot with the presence of PFPS among female collegiate football players at the University of Santo Tomas. Methods: In this descriptive observational cross-sectional study, purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. A total of 11 participants were included. PFPS has a strong association with Anterior Knee Pain (AKP), and it was diagnosed using the Physical Examination questionnaire. With the use of dynamic and transitional assessments, namely overhead squat test (OST) and tuck jump test (TJT), movement patterns were observed using standardized data sheets and video analysis. Results: Among those 11 female participants (mean age 19 ± 1.7 years old), 8 were diagnosed with PFPS and 3 were negative of PFPS. An association between different compensations and PFPS was sought using Fisher’s exact statistical tool. In the OST, compensations such as the foot turning out, foot flattening, knee directing inward and outward, lumbo-pelvic-hip complex patterns. In the TJT, PFPS was associated with three general compensations: foot placement, landing contact noise, and lower extremity valgus. Conclusion: There was no direct association found between movement compensations and PFPS in dynamic and transitional assessments among female collegiate football players in this study. Although there are a few associations between different lower extremity movement compensations with PFPS. The majority of those with PFPS had knee out and LPHC compensations with the OST. With the TST, those with PFPS have positive foot placement compensations as compared to the majority of those without PFPS.

Article 5 | Biomechanical Taping and standard physical therapy were effective in the management of acute ankle inversion sprain: a pre- and post- intervention study

Valentin Dones III, Lyle Patrick Tangcuangco, Mark Angel Serra, Angeleah Abad, Zacharie Fuentes, Phyll Josh Labad, Jannie Mauren Liboon, Judy April Emmanuelle Miano, Gian Karlo Reyes, Marc Ryan Gerald Sabatin, Maria Bianca Vergel de Dios

Background: Ankle inversion sprain is a common musculoskeletal injury due to an inward foot twist. It results in pain, swelling, limited movement, instability, and tenderness of the injured ankle. Standard physical therapy (PT) for acute ankle inversion sprain involves cryotherapy, range of motion, balance, and strengthening exercises. Biomechanical Taping (BMT) is an adjunct to PT. Objectives: To identify the short-term effects of BMT and PT on pain and function of individuals with acute ankle inversion sprains. Methods: Two licensed physiotherapists screened the participants. Eligible participants were treated 3x/week with BMT and PT, with a day of home exercises in between treatments. Participants answered the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM). Friedman Test was used to determine differences in pre-post measurements of VAS and FAAM. Results: 17 participants (10 males: 7 females) with unilateral acute ankle inversion sprains were included in the study with a mean (95% CI) age of 21 (20-22) years. BMT and PT (a) decreased VAS mean rank scores at Treatments 3 and 5 (p<0.05); (b) improved FAAM-ADL mean rank scores in Treatments 1 and 3 (p<0.05); (c) improved FAAM-Sports mean rank scores in all Treatments (p<0.05); and (d) improved in VAS, FAAM ADL and Sports scores between Treatment 1, Treatment 2 and Treatment 3 (p<0.00001). Conclusion: BMT may be an effective adjunct to PT in improving pain and function of participants with acute ankle inversion sprains. The increased stability created by BMT may underpin the improved pain and function of participants.

Article 6 | Comparison of Core Stability and Hip Muscular Strength in Selected Collegiate Football Players with and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Kris Anthony Agarao, Consuelo Suarez, Ken Erbvin Sosa, Masayoshi Kubo, Mark Angel Serra, Ellyce Maria Ramona Adamos, John Ritchmond Togonon, Joseph Paolo Badua, Justin Manuel Paltriguera, Wilson John Aseron, Miguel Roberto Umbao

Background: Muscular imbalance in the core and hip is one of the major risk factors associated with PFPS. There is evidence that decreased strength of the hip musculature is present in individuals with PFPS. This decrease in hip strength can also affect the stability of the core and further predisposes an athlete to injury. Objectives: This is a cross-sectional study that compares the hip muscle strength and core stability of collegiate football players with and without PFPS. Methods: 25 participants (10 with PFPS and 15 without PFPS) participated in the study. Hip strength was measured using a digital handheld dynamometer. Core stability was assessed through the McGill Core Strength test and the 8-stage stability test. Results: The hip adductors showed to be significantly weaker in those with PFPS as compared to those without PFPS ( p=0.040). No differences were found in the hip flexor (p=0.812), hip extensor (p=0.460) and abductors (p=0.126) strength while the core musculature showed that there is a statistically significant difference on the endurance of the lateral core musculature (p<0.001) and trunk flexors (p=0.027) between the two groups. Conclusion: Football athletes without PFPS in this study demonstrated greater core stability and hip adductor muscle strength compared to those without PFPS.

Article 7 | Physical Activity Patterns of College Students of the University of Santo Tomas

Reil Vinard Espino, Consuelo Gonzalez-Suarez, Karen Leslie Pineda, Stephanie Ann Balid-Attwell, Kristina Devora, Diane Mendoza

Objectives: This study examined the physical activity patterns of the University of Santo Tomas college students in Manila, Philippines in terms of participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity, frequency and duration of participation, METS-min/week, sitting habits and walking activities. Methods: A total of 551 males and 850 female college students (N=1401) from the University of Santo Tomas were randomly selected for the study. After anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI and Waist circumference) were taken, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short form) was answered by the students. Results: A greater percentage of male college students engage in vigorous physical activity (66.97%) in terms of frequency per week (2.42 + 1.56 days), duration (119.52 + 70.70 minutes) and MET-min/week (2252.77 + 2789.81 METS). On the other hand, more female college students engage in moderate physical activity in terms of frequency per week (4.69 + 2.04 days). However, male college students who engage in moderate physical activity spend a longer duration (106.02 + 108.55 minutes) and higher MET-min/week (1945.59 + 2721.02 METS) than their female counterpart. Conclusion: It is important to engage in physical activity on a daily basis, with recommendations given by the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization. Appropriate physical activity assists young people to develop healthy musculoskeletal tissues, cardiovascular system, neuromuscular awareness and maintain a healthy body weight and composition. It has also been associated with psychological benefits in young people by improving control over anxiety and depression, good self-perception and expression, as well as avoidance of tobacco, alcohol and drug use.

The Philippine Journal of Allied health Sciences [ISSN: 1908-5044] is an Open Access, peer reviewed journal published by the University of Santo Tomas-College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Manila, Philippines.



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