Call for Papers

Call for Article Submissions

The Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences is formally calling for paper submissions for its upcoming issue. PJAHS will consider various research papers in the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports science, speech-language pathology, nursing, psychology, biomedical engineering, pharmacy, nutrition, education and other allied health sciences. PJAHS accepts the following article types: original research, systematic reviews and meta-synthesis, short reports, and letters to the editor.

Potential articles that will be accepted will be on the following topics:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Sports Science
  • Speech and Language Patholgy
  • Human biomechanics
  • Exercise physiology
  • Physical activity in pediatrics and geriatrics
  • Ergonomics
  • Physiologic profiling of athletes
  • Sports injury monitoring
  • Clinical practice patterns
  • Allied health professions

Article submissions to PJAHS are accepted year-round, however, the specific volume and issue for which accepted articles will be published depends on the scheduled call for submissions. Articles will be processed on a rolling basis over the course of two rounds per year.

Submissions for PJAHS Volume 8, Issue 2

Submission Commencement: June 1, 2024

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024

Publication Date: February 2025


Article submissions should be accomplished through our online submission system. If you encounter any difficulty and/or error with our submission system, please email your submission files to:

The Philippine Journal of Allied health Sciences [ISSN: 1908-5044 (Print); 2984-9667 (Online] is an Open Access, peer reviewed journal published by the University of Santo Tomas-College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Manila, Philippines.


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