Ethical Standards

PJAHS Ethics Statements

PJAHS adheres to the principles and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All authors intending to submit articles to PJAHS should abide by COPE’s Guidelines regarding misconduct and retractions, including the processes set out in COPE’s flowcharts.

Studies which recruited human subjects must provide within their manuscripts an ethics statement. Authors must ensure that the included information matches exactly with those reported within their manuscripts and meets the requirements of PJAHS for human subjects research.

Authors submitting to PJAHS research studies that involve human subjects must comply with the following:

  • A prior approval for human subjects research from an institutional review board or its equivalent research ethics committee;
  • Declare compliance with relevant ethical practices upon manuscript submission (i.e. Declaration of Helsinki, etc.);
  • Provide, upon the request of the PJAHS, a proof or documentation from the institutional review board (or its equivalent research ethics committee) that confirms the approval of the research reported in the submitted manuscript;
  • For clinical trials, provide trial registration details; and
  • Confirm that the human subjects in the research described in the manuscript have provided a relevant written informed consent.

All manuscripts submitted to PJAHS describing clinical research and/or human subjects research will be subjected to scrutiny by the editorial board and staff on their ethical soundness, and if necessary, require further proof or documentation. This ensures that the works published in PJAHS meet the requirements mentioned above. Failure to meet the requirements may warrant a rejection of the submitted manuscript. If in case ethical issues are discovered after publication of a manuscript, PJAHS may issue a correction or retraction, whichever is deemed appropriate. PJAHS reserves its right to contact the authors’ institution for verification.

Clinical investigations must be conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki.

PJAHS reserves the right of human subject participants to full anonymity and take all necessary steps to protect their privacy. Authors must avoid providing direct and/or personal identifying information unless strictly needed for the submission. Should personal information be deemed necessary, authors must confirm that the participants have waived their right to anonymity through a written informed consent. PJAHS may further ask the authors for proof of documentation or contact their respective institutions for verification.

All persons indicated in the submission as authors must qualify for authorship based on the ICMJE criteria. Each author must have contributed significantly and sufficiently in the submitted work and take accountability for its content. Authors must provide a brief description of their individual contributions.

Authors must declare any potential affiliations with or involvements in any organization or entity with any financial interests, or non-financial interests in the subject matter or materials discussed in their submitted manuscript that may warrant conflict of interest.

Members of the journal’s editorial board or international academic editors may submit articles for peer-review to PJAHS. In such case, they are instructed to indicate conflict of interest. They will not be involved in the peer-review process of their own article. Their articles will undergo a similar blinded peer-review as with any other submission to PJAHS.

PJAHS is guided by COPE’s guidelines on conflicts of interest/competing interests.


The Philippine Journal of Allied health Sciences [ISSN: 1908-5044 (Print); 2984-9667 (Online] is an Open Access, peer reviewed journal published by the University of Santo Tomas-College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Manila, Philippines.


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